Mommy Mondays - Coach dad

Hello all and welcome to another wonderful Mommy Monday. I am super excited today to be hanging with a super cool, totally awesome, totally non momish ....DAD! That's right, today's Mommys Rambles is being visited by its very first dad blogger! I couldn't be more excited to be Hanging with coach Dad today. I just hope he doesn't leave his dirty socks or gym bag laying around, because we all know I am too lazy to clean, it's like my biggest pet peeve. So without further ado I introduce my friend Eli of Coach Dad when you are finished here, I highly recommend to go over to his place and hang out for a little while. Tell him that the crazy lady from Mommys Rambles sent you, and maybe you could take his socks and gym bag back to him for me, ummm if you don't mind : )

Sometimes, I like to make the impossible possible.
It’s in my nature. I’m a sloppy dude, who has a clean car (as of June 28, 2013, 9:18 a.m.). I’m a grown man with two Ninja Turtles toys on my work desk. And I’m a bulldog/linebacker shaped fellow who almost did a split in yoga class. (Yes, yoga class. And I eat beef jerky, so there’s another one.)
I decided a while back to compile a list of the five most attractive female movie characters in recent memory. Simple for a dude, right? Just line up Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson and Olivia Wilde and call it a day, right?
Sometimes, I like to make the impossible possible.
So I came up with five women who bear their souls, not their skin. Display savvy and spunk, not sleaze and skank. They must be characters of substance to make this list.
Anyone not belong? Anyone I missed? Let me know. As a dad to three girls, it’s also important to me to emphasize those attractive traits that have nothing to do with curves or measurements.
So, this is the new hot. Here’s my top five, with the champion crowned last.

5. Anne Heche as Dr. Amy Barnes in Volcano (1997)

She’s a quirky geologist who believes a volcano is developing under Los Angeles but can’t seem to find enough evidence to convince anyone (but me).
She had me at ‘hello’
: After he watched her friend and colleague sucked into a fissure and burned like toast, Amy goes right back underground later with instruments to measure volcanic activity. Smart as hell and brave as a burglar. You have to love that pluck.
Clinching quote: “Well, someone has to!” Amy said to emergency management personnel who said they don’t have time to consider geological theories about a volcano.
What we’d do: Visit the nature center (both in our cargo shorts), have lunch at the Hard Rock Café, and then make homemade rock candy.

4. Jodie Foster as Meg Altman in The Panic Room (2002)

She’s a newly single mom of a feisty diabetic teen who gets a crash course in how to use her new house’s panic room during an overnight burglary attempt.
She had me at ‘hello’: She does what it takes to keep her daughter safe, even goading the thugs with her kid-instructed f-bomb insults and propping up her near-useless, wounded ex-husband as an armed decoy. She panics, but keeps her cool.
Clinching quote: ”Promise me you’ll NEVER do anything like that!” To her daughter, after she used a lighter to turn a propane-gas weapon against her adversaries.
What we’d do: Pack Nilla Wafers, root beer and UNO cards in her panic room, review Grace’s list of bad words (it’s up to eight!) and their most effective applications, and watch Home Alone 1, 2 and 3 for stellar tips on tripping up bad guys.

3. Kate Beckinsale as Rachel Armstrong in Nothing But the Truth (2008)

She’s an industrious newspaper reporter and soccer mom (yes!) whose pursuit of a story to uncover a CIA conspiracy makes her a threat to national security.
She had me at ‘hello’:While she chased the story on Erica Van Doren (played by Vera Farmiga, who could have definitely made this list), she realizes she must protect her source at all costs, even if it means alienating her family and serving jail time.
Clinching quote: “A man leaves his family to go to jail to protect a principle, and they name a holiday after him. A man leaves his children to go fight in a war, and they erect a monument to him. A woman does the same thing, and she's a monster.” Rachel, from the slammer.
What we’d do: She could be my snack mom – I mean, my team’s snack mom – read the Associated Press Stylebook to each other on a blanket in a meadow, and I’d smuggle cigarettes in to her in jail to trade for conditioner and nail polish.

2. Bridgette Fonda as Yvonne Biasi in It Could Happen to You (1994)

She’s a warm-hearted waitress who forgives a cop when he doesn’t have any tip money, which leads him to promise her half of his lottery ticket – just a cool $4 million, that's all.
She had me at ‘hello’:Yvonne, after she learned of her winnings, kept it simple; she bought the restaurant she worked for, gave it a fresh coat of paint, and established one table for anyone to visit who didn't have money to pay for a meal, but needed one.
Clinching quote: “Who wants ice cream on their pie? Who wants pie?” Yvonne, in her first grand gesture after becoming a millionaire, served the house dessert.
What we’d do: I’d smell her hair right after work (mmm, grill), ask her to read the diner specials to me on the phone, all slow-like, and I’d teach her how to hold a tray way up above her head, like I learned in my waiter days (I never dropped a tray!).

1. Amy Adams as Julie Powell in Julie & Julia (2009):

She’s a young blogger and foodie who aspires to prepare all 524 recipes in Julia Child’s cookbook in one year, and even drives her husband away in the process.
She had me at ‘hello’: Are you kidding? A writer? A foodie? Amy Adams? She makes the impossible possible. Utterly attractive. And. She’s. Cooking. Even when the hubby leaves, even when she has to bone a duck, she’s determined to accomplish her mission.
Clinching quote: “It tastes like cheese sauce. Yum!” Julie, eating her first egg. Amen, sister.
What we’d do : Grill. Peruse Sit in a café with our laptops back to back on a table built for two and blog our brains out. Repeat.
The product of a dad who didn’t have to go to Vietnam after all who spends his Fridays answering questions for his kids, Eli is a dad, soccer coach and writer, sometimes all at once. He writes the blog Coach Daddy.


  1. I loved Julie and Julia. And I'm kind of mad I didn't have the idea of cooking all the recipes in an iconic cook book and blogging about it first ;-)

    1. Wasn't it awesome? I think it was more awesome because it was 1) about food and 2) with Amy Adams. Love that girl.

      If you want to blog about all the recipes in a cook book, and need a guy to test out the results, you know who to call!

  2. Kimbra - thanks for letting me kick up my feet here! I promise, no messes.

  3. I love your list. Kate Beckinsale was a good one. I love that line. Jodie Foster made me wish that she was in my panic room if anything bad ever happened. That movie made me wish I had a room like that.

    1. Thanks AnnMarie! Kate absolutely rocked that role, and appealed to the journalist shavings i still have in me somewhere. I just couldn't understand why Jodie Foster wouldn't stock that panic room like a champ - I would, and I'd secretly wish for a panic situation just to sit down there and snack for a while.

  4. I kinda love Anne Heche, even after that failing, falling mess of "Men in Trees." It had a lot of potential. Her co-star thought so because he fell in love with her in real life, even after she spouted off alien invasion stories that happened to her.
    I love this list. I haven't seen Julie and Julia yet, though.

    And I love beef jerky too!

    1. Beef jerky is what Zeus eats with his ambrosia, I'm certain.

      I can see how Anne Heche would be fall-in-lovable. Even if it's just through Netflix.

      Julie and Julia is the crown jewel. It's just so ... I mean, blogging, cooking, and Amy Adams. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.

  5. If I was a guys, I'd throw Jennifer Lawrence on that list just for tripping up the steps in her gown at the Oscars.

    1. Jennifer Lawrence is actually in a category all.her.own.

      One future Go Ask Daddy question: What other movies is Jennifer Lawrence in?

      I'm going to have to do lots and lots of research.


  6. LOL, my 25-yr old son would beg you to keep Olivia Wilde on the list. Of course his daughter is only one month old...I imagine his opinion will change as she gets older too. ;) Luckily, his wife understands his 'Wilde' crush and knows he'll outgrow that too (she's very wise for her 28 years, and she's a gem of a gal). :)

    How nice to see a list that isn't superficial. And unique. But I see you still mentioned food...

    1. Olivia Wilde definitely belongs on many, many lists. We fellows are allowed to keep lists. I know you women do.

      I tend to look for substance, and these five just happened to also have *substance*, you know? (And I mentioned food because ... of course.)

  7. Completely not what I expected from a man, which I gather, was exactly your point. Well done then.
    Can I switch the Bridget Fonda one for the Point of No Return movie? A like a girl who can kick a little butt.

    1. Well, I'm not your average bear, of course. Thank you.

      Point of No Return plays in my head over and over, kind of. I thought I'd show my sensible side and pick a Bridget Fonda movie without all the sexiness.

      but yeah ... I like a girl who can kick a little butt, too.

  8. This is hilarious. I particularly like the image of you and Kate Beckinsale reading the AP Stylebook to each other. Very romantic.

    1. It's all about comedy, you know, even with serious movies with serious characters. I'd want the spiral-bound AP style book for us. Why am I hearing Mariah singing "Dreamlover" now?

  9. Of all those movies, I've actually only seen the Panic Room. This is a great list and I too enjoyed the "what we'd do together" section!

    1. That was a good one, though, and now you have some summer movies to catch up on! I think 98 percent of the 'what we'd do together' section is spot-on, but I might be biased.

  10. Completely awesome list! The only I haven't seen is #3, which is kind of funny considering my love of all movies with a newspaper reporter in peril. But wouldn't it be cool to hang out with any of these people? Wait, are you hanging out with the actress or the character they play? Cause that's two different posts entirely. :)

    1. GREAT point - for this, it'd be the character. that's all I know, because I don't do the TMZ or Perez Hilton scene to know if Amy Adams is really a pizza-hating fascist.

      That would break my heart.


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