I need to use it.... and I want to do it alone

When I became a mom, it was instantly crystal clear that my life absolutely positively no doubt was going to change like 200,000,000 percent. I mean nothing says "Hello new life" like waking up every 45 minutes with a screaming little person who is demanding food.

However, I assumed (and WRONGLY so) that as the years went on, some how my life would sneak back into some normalcy. Of course I would never give up my kids in a million years, or for a million dollars, but there are without a doubt some things I miss, about my pre spawn years... Number one on that list would be privacy, and mainly of the bathroom sort. I don't think anyone requires an entire audience while doing their business, but try telling that to my kids, (especially the littlest spawn) who seem to think that a closed bathroom door is an open invitation to transform into needy, clingy, whinny.. OMG annoying little brats...

I swear it has been nearly 14 years since I have had the pleasure of "alone" time. Of course there has been those rare (and I do mean rare) when I was happy to be bothered in the bathroom, because it likely prohibited a murder or at least a severe beating of one child to another, but the majority of the time... I JUST WANT PEACE... without little objects coming under the door like legos, Hot Wheels, Barbie shoes, half eaten cookies, and the occasional note. Without being asked for a drink, a snack or having to have a long drawn out conversation about someones day. Without my house turning into a wrestling arena, or someone needing me NOW. I just want to pee without someone looking at someone else, or breathing in their general direction. Ugh! Sigh!

Sadly, by the time my kids decide I am old enough to go potty by myself, I am almost positively positive my grandchildren will decide that well... that just isn't true... Come on guys, I just want to pee alone... Is that too much to ask?

Of course that sad, but oh so obvious answer is.... YES!!


  1. haha. I cant even imagine what you're going thru. peace is wonderful. peeing in peace is wonderful LOL

    1. I bet it is wonderful, but it has been so long I don't remember.

  2. It is. It is too much to ask, but darnit if those kids aren't the best things in the whole entire world, right? (Sorry if I've gotten all sentimental...I've had a little wine. :) )

    1. They are the best things in the whole entire world, and I wouldn't trade them for anything

  3. Next you'll be wanting to sleep through the night, or eat a dessert without sharing. Sorry mama. That train has left the station and won't return till about Menopause-o-clock.

    1. Well, unfortunately due to an emergency total hysterectomy, I am already riding the menopause train :(

      Now you got me wanting a nap and dessert, but surely if I bring out the sweets, tiny spawn will want a bite and of course he will most likely want to share my bed too LOL! Fortunately for them, it is all worth it in the end, cause I wouldn't trade them for anything

  4. I guess I might have the rare kid who not only gives me my bathroom time... but, also doesn't want me to help with his...

    6 year old now does all bathing by himself... enough to at least LOOK clean.

    It may be because we live in such a small townhouse... but, I imagine, and pray that when we move into the bigger house... that the more space.. will equal more of our "own space"....

    One day... It will happen for you... they say teenage years are the best... for when your kids want NOTHING to do with you. ;)

    1. I WISH my kids wanted nothing to do with me, my oldest two are 12 and 13 and I keep waiting for the day they want to be left alone...

      You are very fortunate to have such an awesome and independent kiddo!!! That ROCKS! Lucky you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Peeing alone is really overrated.


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