I just want my laptop back!!

Ok so recently I was sadly presented with a situation where I was sort of forced to convert my online affairs (you know blogging, Facebook,etc) from laptop to iPad... At first I was over the stars excited, because honestly I have wanted an iPad since the darn thing made its public appearance, BUT.....  Well to be honest, now that I have the darn thing, I really miss my laptop. Sure the iPad is great in its own way and far more  convenient to carry around, but when it comes to blogging.... Well the truth is that the thing is about as productive as brushing your teeth while indulging in a snickers.  The Internet is picky and there are about 20 million apps you need to download just to create a half decent blog post which still won't look nearly as cool as if you did it on the computer (no matter how many curse words you use) . To say I am frustrated is a huge understatement... Flabbergasted is more like it. I guess in the grand scheme of things I sort of really only have myself to blame (sort of)... Yes, I wanted (and asked for) an iPad, but I had no clue (zero, nada, zilch) that once I got the iPad it would mean surrendering my trusty laptop, and no longer having the luxury of typing on a real keyboard. I mean do you have any idea how annoyingly hard typing an entire blog post with a tiny disfigured keyboard (meant for texting) actually is? And of course lets not forget the damn predict a text (aka auto correct) which constantly wants to change every word you say into something totally random and weird. Its infuriating to be prof reading your post before publishing only to realize that words like pecker and anus have somehow replaced the much more common (and appropriate) words you actually typed. True I am by no means a champion speller, but hey that's what spell check is for. I would much rather have a program tell me I spelled a word incorrectly, then try to guess what my incorrect word actually was and change it entirely (and without my permission) ugh!!!

So if you are perhaps reading my blog in the next few days, weeks, months ( you know basically however long it takes to accomplish having a laptop again) and you stumble over some misplaced words, odd pictures, or ummm... Well quiet honestly who knows what the hell else you might stumble across, this thing is pretty darn unpredictable - just remind your selves I recently became a laptop widow and have a new man in my life (yes I have decided that due to the large amount of difficulty iPads create they are definitely of the male gender) and just laugh with me (or at me)... 

As for me, you had better believe that I will definitely be remembering that old saying " be careful what you wish for" from this point forward, because when you wish for something, well you may eventually just get it, and it may come in the form of a pain in the ass iPad yikes!   


  1. I'd get the laptop back. Screw all those new types of things. Such as ipad and kindles.

    1. I would love to go back to a laptop but there is no longer a computer in my house at all :(

  2. That sucks. I'm not at all into I-stuff, don'T even get an e-reader because I love the feel of paper. Good luck!

    1. I always loved my iPhone and thought an iPad would be awesome, but trust me it is awful for blogging.... Awful I tell you!

  3. I feel your pain!!! I was going between the ipad or laptop question when a family member up and bought me an ipad. I love it but it isn't for blogging at all and has certainly made blogging more difficult. I'm now in search of a laptop anyways, at least the ipad is fine enough for on the go.

    1. Well as I said I was sort of forced into the iPod decision, yes I wanted one but I didn't want it to be my only means of Internet, and I HATE it for blogging, even with the keyboard it is a pain in my neck. Hopefully you and I both find laptops really soon and we can both blog the easy way like Norma,l peope

  4. I have a solution although it would require you to spend more money. There are things that you set the ipad in that has a real typewriter. But more importantly, I get what you're saying. There is a whole drawer of stuff in my home that I've asked, nagged, begged for only to have it backfire on me once I got it. Hello bike, kindle, half of my itunes library.

    1. I actually do have a keypad for my iPad but it is frustrating too lol. Fortunately the iPad cost us nothing, and its a newer one so that's another plus. I like it for a lot of things but blogging is DIFFiCULT to say the least.

  5. Thanks for linking up on the Bloglovin Blog Hop tonight! Love seeing new faces on the hop. Now following via Bloglovin and GFC.

    Take care,
    Happy Kids, Inc

  6. :(

    that's pretty stinko...

    I have a laptop (it's in a box somewhere.. lol)

    I use my work desktop more than most...

    If I ever come across a working used laptop (my guy is an I.T. dude... stuff appears often) I will let you know!

    1. It is stinky but I am getting used to it fairly quickly

  7. I feel you on this post. I got a Surface for the same reason (moving off the desktop), but it's just not the same. It's far more sluggish, of course, but it's ridiculously difficult to get a blog post put together. sigh....

    1. It is sooooo difficult and frustrating to write a blog on this thing I am keeping my fingers crossed for a laptop again soon


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