Coupons... coupons...

Yup, I am a coupon junkie... Those little suckers are like crack for a bored house wife looking to save a dollar (or a few thousand)... And yes, I admit I also have a pretty large like obsession with the show Extreme Couponers. Sure, there are tons of people that will argue that having enough toothpaste to brush you great grand kids grand kids teeth with is a bit much, and well... I sort of agree to an extent, I mean who really needs 130,000 tubes of toothpaste...

Truth is, I am not anywhere near being an EXTREME couponer anymore, and even more honestly only recently jumped back on the savings band wagon. I will for sure blame that little mental blunder on my ADD. I mean who in there right mind gets accustomed to being paid to walk out of the store with their groceries and then decides to go right back to paying for them. The horror!

However, after recently once again making the decision to become a stay at home mom, it became
pretty apparent that something would have to give, and I mean pretty darn quick too. So, I am back on the wagon, and giving another go at this coupon thing. I mean if I am going to live up to my Domestic Goddess title, I am going to have to do something pretty spectacular eventually so why not go ahead and at least make an attempt now (well not now, but later... you know like tomorrow)

My last trip to the grocery store won me a bronze medal, but my ADD is still not convinced that couponing is truly worth giving up all the time I use to do other super important stuff, like ummm... procrastinate.

So, of course I had to make an attempt at making this fun, not so much for me, but you know my brain well she gets bored pretty easily, looses interest and like to wonder off when left unsupervised for any period of time... So here is my attempt at coupon humor...

  • you get excited for Sunday only because it means the newspaper will have your precious crack coupons.
  • you take pictures of the groceries you just bought and post them all over facebook
  • There are just as many (or more) grocery pictures on your facebook wall, as there are pictures of your living, breathing, HUMAN children
  • You suggest dinner out, and one of your spawn says "Mom, must have gotten some new coupons.
  • You plan your menus around what you currently have the most of in your stockpile "Well, kids looks like ketchup soup for dinner tonight"
  • You catch your toddler playing with Odd items (like building a castle with 57 cans of green beans) because they were shoved under his bed.
  • You treat you coupons like money (or gold) and have chased them across the parking lot
  • When Wednesday is no longer simply the middle of the week, it has become Ad day
  • When your sweet toddler tells the cashier at Walmart, hold on Mommy's getting her coupons since we are poor, and have no monies.

I could go on and on, but... I won't... What I want now is to hear from any other couponers or couponer want to be's out there in bloggyland... What about you? How do you know you are a couponer (or on the verge of being that crazy coupon lady) what are some other ways you earn domestic goddess gold, and save your family money?? Come on... let me in on your little secrets. 


  1. My brain seems to lack the organizational skills to effectively coupon; I never remember what coupons I have and so never use them. I do however, refuse to go grocery shopping without looking at the store flyers and comparing. We have a great local supermarket that has buy 1 get 2 free sales sometimes; I love those!

    1. I LOVE sales especially clearance sales. I didn't think I would have the ability to coupon either, but somehow I am managing to be pretty good at it, I think it is partially because chaos seems to calm me for some weird reason.

  2. OMG! I used to be a crazy couponer. I did did a dumpster dive once to get more coupons. I needed them!! I save a shit load of money and had so much deodorant, toothpaste, pasta and laundry detergent. And I loved it. I have become quite lazy over the last 6 months and haven't done anything. I feel like that the coupons have changed, they aren't as high value as they were 2 years ago. Do you find that true?
    Anyway, I really need to get back to it and save us money.

    1. I have never officially gone dumpster diving for coupons but I have gone door to door begging neighbors. I saved so much money when I did it before, and I am hoping to save that sort of money again (Lord knows we need it!) The coupons have changed a LOT sadly, but I figured out that there is still a way to save money, you just have to work a little harder, of course I have become extremely lazy, so I suppose we shall see how it all pans out in the end LOL!

  3. Where I live the grocery stores prevent from extreme couponing...

    But, if given the chance to be obsessive about something else... Sure, I'd rock it out!

    1. Yikes! That is horrible! We actually have a couple of stores like that too, but fortunately we have a Wal-mart which not only accepts coupons but price matches as well!!

      I am sure you would be AWESOME at couponing, maybe you should give it a try, even if it isn't on the extreme level.

  4. I was really intrigued by the show til I realized they stockpile 10 years of deodorant and tic tacs. WTF?

    1. I was never a person who had a 10 year stockpile of deoderant and tic tacs, but I did have a pretty large stockpile, and the way I looked at it, was that if I was ever in a situation where I could not afford these items I wouldn't have to worry. Also, if someone else was in need I would be able to help. My family and friends were always welcome to my stockpile when I had one.

    2. I just didn't get it. Especially the stuff they'd never use in a lifetime. And some of the food, like cereal, will go bad before they had a chance to eat it. I did like the ones who got all that free food and shared it. I love bargains, but it's not a bargain if you're never gonna use it. Some of those people didn't even have room in their house for all that stuff.

    3. I agree there is a point when couponing becomes obsessive and ridiculous just like anything else it is an addiction and can get out of control

  5. I have a stockpile of Sunday papers that I need to go through and clip all the coupons. But other things always seem to take priority, like that ice cream bar, or Ghost Hunters marathon, or...well, yeah, I think I have ADD. :D

    1. I usually go weeks without actually clipping coupons, I was a lot more organized when I was younger but something has really taken over me in the last few years and I pretty much always lack motivation


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