If Wednesday is hump day...

As I sat here this evening staring at the blank computer screen my mind sort of wondered off, on more than one occasion I threatened my tiny little mind with duct tape and glue, but none the less it continued to wonder and leave me sitting alone expressionless in front of my computer. I was beginning to think that perhaps, I may just have to give up on writing, when my mind finally returned with one of the most randomest thoughts I have ever thought.

Today is Wednesday... "Hump Day" if you will... Well, I can't be the only one who thinks the term Hump day seems more than a little umm... perverted, can I?  And, if Wednesday is hump day, does that perhaps mean that Tuesday is foreplay day? I mean seriously who wants to hump without a little foreplay? Certainly not me.  And, if Tuesday is foreplay day and Wednesday hump day, then what exactly does that make Thursday? Would Thursday hence forth be known as have a sandwich and take a nap day? Can anyway even tell me who it was that so boldly decided that Wednesday should be designated as Hump day any how? I am pretty sure it had to be a man, well either than or an extremely neglected house wife LOL : P  but for now I am sticking with the man theory. I mean All sorts of random nonsense gets blamed on men anyway (and for good reason in my opinion) so what's one more? If it was indeed a man who thunked the thought of hump day, then why couldn't they have the sense to make it on a less busy day?  Seriously, a person could really have a lot of fun with HUMP day if they weren't busy with home work, house work, and all the other shapes, sizes and sorts of work that come with the middle of the week. Why not make Saturday day hump day, or for that matter just throw the entire stealth sexual innuendo out the window, and go with a  more straight forward approach, like ummm I don't know... sex day? I mean they both start with S anyway right? Right!  A person could even go with a more socially acceptable approach and call Saturday - Sday, just a slight change in the calender and there ya go, Saturday is hence forth known as Sday.. Sounds good to me, but then maybe that it is just me... Maybe it is just because my mind is a little twisted and wonders off just often enough to get itself into trouble. Perhaps I went about this whole calender thing all wrong, but then again... Well, maybe... Just maybe I should track down that guy and/or poor neglected house wife, because I am almost entirely positively positive that together our twisted minds could take over the world **insert my most evil laugh here** : )


  1. thought Wedn, Thurs, and Fri meant W.T.F.

    1. It is a true and accurate fact that after Monday and Tuesday even the calender says WTF : ) By the way got the email :)

  2. Thanks for your comment. I feel like you and I can relate. I enjoy your blog and I read it and comment. Same thing I want others to do on mine. So I do it to others in hope to have it in return. But some dont see it that way. I dont understand why people just follow blogs and never say a word. Or feel that if they cant relate then they dont comment. There's alot of bloggers I cant relate to and I still comment. But that's just me. email?

    1. Thank you for following, reading and commenting. I try so hard to comment as much as possible on all the blogs I read and follow, but there are just so many that I love to read, and I am so busy with 3 kids I feel like if I spend all day commenting then some on is getting short handed :( blogging is a wild and crazy world that is not always easy, but I do it because I love it, and I probably won't ever stop as long as it is fun for me : )

    2. Your welcome. yea I could spend a whole day reading and commenting. having kids to tend to is understandable. After a while if people dont return my comments and all I unfollow em. I've now had to do that 3 times. Why follow and read and comment someone if they wont return the favor

  3. This is hilarious , glad I stopped by and will def be following!

    1. Thank you so much! I recently decided that I was going to start writing more un censored more ME type posts, and this is where that decision lead me tonight LOL! Thanks for stopping by and for following!

  4. And this is what your mind does when it is scared of duct tape and glue.

  5. Yea, maybe I should bribe it with nice things rather than threathening it... It works with my kids (sometimes) maybe itll work with my mind too LOL!

  6. I actually thought "Hump day" was a day that Arabs rode their camels to market to stock up on supplies for a wild and crazy weekend! That, of course, was before oil prices skyrocketed and now they all drive Hummers ... and party every day of the week. (It's hell being an American). lol I guess one could get stimulated while riding a camel, but that sounds too much like real perversion. Oh well, I guess us guys will take another one on the chin for someone's idiotic phraseology. :) Good post!

    1. Thank you, and thank you for visiting. You are right it is hell being an American : )

  7. I'm all for the 'hump' in hump day....just make it quick, I'm busy :) Thanks for hooking up!

    1. Me too! I am a busy lady : ) Thanks for visiting!

  8. Hi there! I have ventured over from Linkin’ With My Ladies. I am co-hosting this month and I just wanted to thank you for participating! Love your blog! XOXO, Mandi @ All My Happy Endings

    1. Thank you and I am super excited to be participating in the hop! : )

  9. Hello - stopping by from the Hump Day Hook Up. I'm glad I found you. I'm now following your blog. Hump Day...I think you're right - it was probably a man.
    Jae Mac, I'm Just Sayin'...(Damn!)

  10. Thank you for visiting and for the follow, I am following you as well : )

  11. Newest follower here! I found you through the blog hop. You have a super cute blog, I can't wait to read more. You can find me at meandmr.com

    -Melanie @meandmr.com

    1. Thank you so much for visiting and following I will be following you soon as well : )

  12. Men thunk a lot of thoughts and it's our job as women to call them on it. Funny post Kimbra, funny post.

  13. I loved your thought process on this one...cute post! (visiting from the humor blog hop).

  14. Great idea (said my husband from behind me as I was reading). LOL

  15. Camels. I always thought it had something to do with camels. Wow, this is a real head-spinner.

    1. Well I suppose it could be camels too... Another thought to ponder

  16. Hi soo funny. Like the idea of fore play day. I must do some research into this phenomenon. Eh eh. By the way, kindle enjoyed reading your blog. I'll be back.

    1. So glad you liked my post and enjoyed your visit here : )

  17. I like the way your mind operates.

    If Wednesday is hump-day, Tuesday is "you're looking lovely today darling" day, and Thursday is Thanks-giving.

  18. I can't believe that people really think that Wednesdays are called "hump day" in a "pervert way." People, you're all wrong (or at least the comments I read so far). I apologize in advance to whomever had the same thinking as me.
    Let me put it this way, think of a camel; its hump is in the middle, as it is Wednesday in the middle of the week. That's why Wednesday is called "Hump Day". Nothing sexually.... :-)


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