Currently on Tuesday

As I sat this afternoon browsing through blogs procrastinating. I came across Courtney's Post Over at Marriage with a Baby Carriage I thought that it sounded pretty neat, and since I was so busy procrastinating, thought that I would like up and join in on the fun : )

Marriage with a baby carriage

I am currently: 

Feeling: bored and unmotivated, there are so many things I need to be doing, and really should be doing, but I can not seem to muster the motivation to do anything other than sit here on the love seat and surf the web.

Listening: to a random PS3 game being played on the TV in front of me, no idea what it is called, and honestly no real desire to find out.

Excited: that is is almost Summer, and that school is almost out. I can not wait for days of sleeping in and being lazy (oh wait I do that now LOL!) ok so I can't wait for warmer weather, and being outside

Watching: since my Tv has been taken over by a gamer, I am not watching anything, unless of course you count the blogs I have been browsing all afternoon, and then I guess I would have to say I have been watching the screen on my laptop change : )

Not so excited about: I really can't think of anything in particular I am dreading at the moment, but I am almost positive that will change eventually. However for right now, I am not non excited about anything

Happy: that I finally feel like my life is settling (even if it is only a little) and I am on the right track with things

Wishing: that is were dinner time already, crazy wish I know but I am starving and trying hard to not snack on so much over processed junk through out the day, so I am super ready for dinner.

Courtney said to feel free to add a few things of our own if we wanted, so I think I am going to add a couple

Craving: Hot wings, and Chinese food. I honestly don't know why I am craving either one, but they both sound so amazing, and I have been craving them both for about 3 weeks now, so the craving is getting a bit out of control

Drinking: a Dr. Pepper but so wanting a Nos, I am a bit of an energy drink addict perhaps too much so, and a little over indulgent on them, but they are just soooo good.

Well I think that'll about do it for now, can't think of any other interesting (or even non interesting) things to add. Ya'll should hop on over to Courtney's cute little site Marriage with a baby carriage and check it out. While you are there tell her that nut from Mommy's Rambles sent you : )


  1. Found you on the link up. Your kiddos are super cute.

    I have been craving Chinese food for about 2 months, but it's because I am pregnant. I am trying to stay away from salty food because my feet are starting to swell so I have swore off Chinese until after baby is born. I LOVE me some hot wings but since the beginning of this pregnancy this momma hasn't handled hot stuff very well.

    1. Thank you for the compliment, and thank you for visiting. I am going to head on over to your site very soon!

  2. I think this is a fabulous idea for days when you aren't as inspired, but you still have something to say. And if I could get away with sitting on the couch and surfing a laptop, I so would. But little hands say, "no-no, mommy," lol. Gonna file this idea away for a necessary Tuesday.

    1. Thank you, today I for sure was not inspired at all, but still wanted to write, so I linked up : )

  3. Yes - cherish those times when the laptop is open and kids aren't asking to play StarDolls on it! I'll take a little time for myself while they play games/fiddle on their ipods. And now, thanks to you, I want a big plate of wings ... (I can't totally blame this on you).

    1. Wow, you actually get an opportunity to open your laptop without someone begging to play on it?!? I am jealous! I still want hot wings too, but the hubs wants taco salad so alas it will be another day of no hot wings for me : (

  4. Thank you so much for the nomination! It is always an honor to be nominated for these awards!

  5. Your children are really cute, you have a nice family. It’s a good thing you find time for yourself, and that you manage to sit and enjoy your afternoon. I enjoyed reading your blog and congrats for the Liebster Award nominalization. PS: Now I you made me want to eat hot wings.


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