Today I wasnt nice... No, not at all.

I like to think of myself as a none judgmental person. Does, that mean I am not judgmental? Nope, just means that I like to think I am not. I believe that even the least judgmental person, judges others in some degree. Well, the truth is I have a tendency to potentially judge people a bit more than perhaps I should.. The thing is despite my tendency to be a tad judgmental, I am not mean. Honestly I try to always bestow my brutal judgmental honesty on people as kindly as humanly possible.

Yet, despite my endeavor to be a nice albeit judgmental person, I often encounter people who there is just no possible way to be nice to, not even if you put into action the old tried-and-true "If you have nothing nice to say...."  People like these just ask for someone to speak up, and put them in their place so to speak.

I am talking about those pony tail wearing, Prada bag sporting, nose up in the air, my shit smells like roses type women. I am sure that each and everyone of you knows at least one of these type women. You know the ones who look at your cute little brats angels running around Wal-mart like banshees with nothing but pure disgust. The one who makes comments under their breath about "What a bad mother you must be". The ones when given a friendly smile, or hello snub their noses so high in the air, you want to tell them, that you hope it doesn't rain (as you are afraid they would drown if it did). The ones who are often times childless, because let's face it children would be nothing more than a burden for them, ruining their elaborate vacations, and designer wardrobes... The ones who despite there decision to not reproduce, are all so often just full of wonderful "parenting" advice, and are all to willing to let you know what you are doing wrong with your children, after seeing them for all of 15 seconds in a Wal-mart check out line...

Have you ever found yourself in this position, face to face with the Prada wearing she devil herself? How did you handle it? Perhaps you handled it differently (umm better) than me...

Today I found myself in a similarly eery scenario face to face with she devil in the Wal-mart line, listening to her mumble her words of disgust about my children and my life to her equally evil (and obviously childless) friend who stood beside her. 

For some unknown reason I decided to venture out to Wal-mart today with not only one, but all three kids in tow (call it a moment of insanity). Of course any mother, who has teens, toddlers, or both knows that it would a lot less painful to go on a suicide mission, then it is to take a crabby teenager, a moody tween, and a nap deprived toddler into Wal-mart (again I blame it on insanity) and if you are able to come out with everyone's limbs (and your sanity) still intake, then you have accomplished something worth an award (or at least ice cream)...

All seemed to be going as well, as any insane mother could hope for, until we reached the check out line. Of course my children's attention is always caught by the little trinkets and snacks put close to each register, and of course they ALWAYS want something. Today was no exception, and as always they began to beg as soon as we approached the register. Of course this is the time my 3 year old decides that he is going to throw the tantrum to beat all tantrums (I mean really one for the records)... This of course prompts she devil to chime in with all sorts of unsolicited "parenting" advice regaurding my obviously spoiled and ill mannered children... Of course this lit a fuse somewhere inside of me "come on woman, that is my CHILDREN, you are talking about"  but I tried, oh I tried to smile politely and keep my mouth closed. That is until she devil so smugly turns to her friend, and loudly states "This is why I hate Walmart, there is always Redneck White trash in this store"..... Once I picked my jaw off of the floor, my mouth began to spew words that would have made a sailor blush, as I explained to this woman, that despite her preconceived notions of my children (especially my toddler) my children were actually very good children, who not unlike many other children were expressing their displeasure, with my answer that No, today they could not have a treat. I also informed her, that although I am smart enough not to spend an entire weeks pay on one outfit, that did not indeed classify me, or my children as "White trash"... Funny enough that once my blood pressure was back to normal, and I began gathering my stuff to exit stage left, I actually thought I heard people clapping (maybe that was in my head)....

So today.... well today... I wasn't so nice, I really wasn't nice at all... I am not proud of myself (ok so maybe I am a little proud), but I stood up to the judgmental she devil, and I think that perhaps she might think first, the next time she decides to give some "Redneck White trash" some unsolicited "parenting" advice.... Maybe???


  1. Sometimes it helps to put bitches like that in her place. Gosh knows they damn sure need it. WAY TO GO GIRL

    1. Thank you girl, I was actually scared to post this, but now I am glad I did.

  2. If I were present for this I would have been clapping for you.... I may have even given you a Woot-Woot!!! Some people need put in their place.

    1. Thanks girl, I swear I heard some small applause as I was walking out, you are right some people do need to be put in their place, and this woman had way over stepped her bounds.

  3. lol, well, she'll definitely think twice before commenting when YOU'RE around. :) I'm proud of you. Too many people try to be polite and keep it all in when really, just a little verbalization goes a long, long way. I am glad you didn't follow her into the parking lot, however. teehee

    1. Oh I tried to be polite, I really did. This woman had been giving unsolicited advice for several minutes before I finally opened my mouth and spewed sailor word vomit all over her. She looked a bit surprised, as if she had expected that I would stand there and quietly take her rudeness, so I am assuming I am not the first person she has trashed in public for no good reason.

  4. What a terrible thing for her to say! She deserved what she got :)

    1. Thank you, I am feeling vindicated seeing all the support I am getting here from my wonderful bloggyland buddies. I must admit that I felt a bit guilty and a little bad for my rudeness.

  5. P.S make that 'Pacific' not 'Atlantic'! It's too early in the morning here for my brain to work properly (actually that's an excuse, it rarely works properly anyway :)

    1. I can totally understand that, my brain never works properly LOL!

  6. Trust me when I say that I did indeed want to slap her, but I think that perhaps she will hopefully think twice before trash talking someone ever again (at least in their presence). You are correct in saying this woman is ignorant, and trust me she really was. It was apparent that she was extremely petty and materialistic as well. Thank you for the support and encouraging words!

  7. I have been there. I have had almost this very same conversation.. And it has happened on the check out of Wal*Mart.

    I had a woman, walk right in front of me, put her arm right in my face (her arm fat, touching my nose).. to grab a package of gum.

    And right out of my mouth, "The words you are looking for are 'Excuse Me'."

    Which began an epic battle, in which, she called me White Trash.. and I had to humbly point out, that by her definition anyone shopping here (at the Wal*Mart) was White Trash, then she herself is that as well. Which she didn't like.

    She got uppity. I stayed calm... And then told her, what an amazing example she was setting for the pre-teen girl she was with. That if you can't win with your words, you yell and threaten to physically harm someone... because you obviously know your intellect is subpar to who you are speaking with.

    I watched a vein bust in her neck. I watched her turn purple.. and then... she walked away.. leaving her groceries...

    People are nuts.
    I'm just a little crazier.

    But seriously..


  8. Thank you girl!

    It sounds like you handled your situation much better than I would have, honestly I was so worked up the day this happened to me, I wanted to show my "white trash" side and slap this lady, you obviously have much more self restraint... Good for you!

    Sounds like we both gave another person more than a little to think about. : )


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