I am too young to feel this old : (

It's Friday and I am a exhausted. I don't really have much of a reason for being exhausted considering just about all I did worth talking about today was clean, the entire house, wash 4 loads of laundry, and watch a couple episodes seasons of Extreme Couponing. Of course since the house was already relatively clean, the hardest thing I did today was wash laundry, and of course neglect to fold it. So I am not real sure what to blame my exhaustion on, but I think that I will blame it on the weather.

Umm Hello it is April,(it will be May in 4 days)  and I don't know about everyone else, but our weather has been more than slightly Bi-polar lately. It has actually been down right psychotic. Monday and Tuesday we slugged around in winter attire only to bring out our shorts and flip flops yesterday, and be fooled by chilly rain today... I really need to move somewhere with 4 defined seasons. I am tired of the guessing game that is Oklahoma weather, and leaving the heater lit till some time in July because we are infamous for needing both heat and air conditioning in the SAME day.

Anywho, considering I am currently being presented with the opportunity at pure laziness thanks to the PS3 (I knew there would eventually come a day when I appreciated that thing) I think I am calling it a night *Say What?* When did I become so old and boring that my idea of Friday night fun was being in bed before 10pm?

Oh well, maybe something will get accomplished tomorrow... I mean why do today what you can put off till tomorrow anyway. 


  1. Totally me!! I get exhausted for no apparent reason. And to be honest, I actually hate it!! Extreme Couponing is amazing. I wish I could do that. Maybe in another life! The weather has been interesting. We had rain on Tuesday, blah. The rest of the days have been warm, about 70. Not warm enough for shorts and flip flops. At least in my opinion and the opinions of everyone I came in contact with. You could move here to New England. We definitely have 4 seasons :)

    1. I actually hate it too. Seems like lately all I have wanted to do is sleep, finding motivation to do anything is HARD!! I love Extreme couponing too, at one point before my divorce I was really into extreme couponing and had a large stock pile, and would get paid to walk out of the store with stuff. However, after a divorce, and another baby that hobby sort of fell by the wayside and our coupon policies have gotten HORRIBLE around here.

  2. That last sentence sums me up as well today <3

    1. That last sentence has pretty much been the theme of my life for the last couple weeks. I really and truly need to find some motivation to do something... ANYTHING really.

  3. I am exhausted today for running around and going here and there and taking my mom to the dr and all. and yes the weather is ridiculous now a days. Almost May and Mother Nature doesnt know what she wants.

    1. Mother Nature certainly doesn't know what it wants, that is for sure!

  4. That couponing show is crazy. Who needs enough detergent to last until your grandkids are dead?

    1. True, but think of all the money they save never buying it again.

  5. Aw! The weather in NY is just as bipolar. It's awful, and I am sure that's why I've been getting these mini-colds!

    And on a normal night, I am asleep on the couch by 9p.. It's awful, but, being a mama is hard work.

    Laundry is the worst chore ever created by man...

    Just saying.

    1. Being a mama is indeed HARD work, even on days when you feel like you've done nothing chances are you've done a lot.

      and I agree laundry is the worst chore ever, I don't mind the washing and drying but the folding is horrible. I also really hate dishes. I think I may potentially hate dishes more than laundry.


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