Guess what... I suck!

ok, so I started writing this blog for me, and only me... I mean it is way cheaper than a head shrinker, and honestly writing has always given me some weird sense of freedom... Writing this blog seemed to give me some sort of clarity when my mind was nothing more than a fuzzy mess, but then... Oh then I realized, that blogging could truly become a stair step to my dreams, and that when I realized it... I SUCK!

I look around the web at all these other blogs, and think " Wow, I wish my blog was as cool as theirs" or "Neat, I wonder how they did that?" I don't have a slammin background, cool buttons, sponsors or any of that jazz... To be honest, I am lost when it comes to how exactly to participate in blog hops, or make this nifty little posts... I did start a facebook page, but I had to laugh at myself, because in reality I just felt like I am trying to fit in with the cool kids, or keep up with the Jones...

I don't know what has gotten into me... I mean I still (and will always) love to write just because I seem to have at least some what of a knack for it. I mean at least my friends and family seem to think I am good, so that has to count for something somewhere right?

But yet, now all the sudden I want (and I mean desperately want) to be one of the cool kids LOL! Horrible I know, to be 30 and still want to fit in with the cool kids... Perhaps it is because I am (and always have been) my own worst critic and no matter what I will probably never think my blog is "good enough"... I can't help but long for the readers, and stuff that all the cool kids have, or feel like I totally suck, especially when I am literally surrounded by these absolutely AMAZING blogs...

The blogs I love to read and follow have been an inspiration to me to improve my own blog, yet they have also made me feel like the nerdy outcast who sits all alone in the lunch room, so I have come to the revelation that I suck! yup, I suck I am not as crafty or nearly as computer savvy as I once thought (without a doubt)... BUT, none the less I will continue to write... Why? Well because I absolutely love to write (it is my passion) and even if I write for no one other than myself I still get a sense of freedom every time my fingers strike the keys on my key board...

Besides maybe my blog is one of those Cinderella stories? I mean maybe one day I will wake up and no longer be the nerdy outcast... Maybe just maybe one day I will wrap my tried and frazzled brain around all these cool little gadgets and gizmos, and I too will be one of the cool kids too? Hey! It could happen!

::Update:: After writing this post, I decided to stop sulking, and do the work (and the research) to turn my blog into something I could be proud of, and about 10 hours later TAY DAY!!! I am one of the cool kids : ) I can not say I love my blog... Of course, it will likely be a constant OCD induced work in progress, but for right now... Yup! I love it!!  : ) 


  1. I've felt like this before and finally got my blog looking like i want it. You should so come check it out and show it some love. :D

  2. I am always fixing and changing things on my blog :) My problem is that since I have photos there are so many blogs that have great photos, so it's hard not to think that you don't measure up. I think your blog looks great!

    1. Thank you so much for the compliment, and you are so right some times it is hard to feel you measure up, but I like my blog now LOL! and I also like to have my own individual flare, I think that is why I disliked mine so much before all the modifications, not enough flare LOL!

  3. I've only been doing this for two years and still find myself learning about the new features everyone is coming up with lol! I am a wiz at HTML though, so if you need anything pop on over and let me know... I'll help if I can ;) Thanks for following and I look forward to seeing more from you too!


  4. Your blog looks great! I'm a fairly new blogger too, and learning as I go so I'm forever changing things on mine. I found your though the funny baby video hop. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you for the compliment, and thank you for stopping by and letting me know that you were here! I hope that you have a wonderful week as well.

  5. Thanks for the encouragement on my site, and hang in there; you've got a great blog going here! I still wanna be one of the cool kids at age 50, but am finally figuring out that "cool" is a state of being that isn't concerned about itself...

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate the encouragement, and you are so right! Being unconcerened makes us two cool kids : )

  6. I think your blog is great, and I used to think the same as you. But, I don't want to look like everyone else....hoping I don't look like everyone else LOL It is nice to just write and it is a great release.

    1. I love writting, and it is the real and true reason for this blog regaurdless of what it looks like, thank you for helping to remind me.

    2. Hi there,

      I had to come by after you paid a visit to mine. Wow! This is beautiful!! I'm still learning too. You're doing everything right! Research, Ask, Etc. I'm hosting my first blog hop in a couple weeks. Care to join me?


    3. Hello!
      Thank you so much for visiting and letting me know that you were here! I would love to join you in a blog hop. I still haven't totally gotten the hang of it all, but I am participating in a couple : ) Thank you for the invitation and thank you again for visiting

  7. I feel the same way about my blog sometimes! I read some others and I'm like how do they have a gajillion followers!?!? Then I look at mine and realize my blog is my little happy space and I appreciate the followers and readers that I have. I still want to be at the cool kid table too, sometimes. :D

    I love your blog, btw!


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