I have recently been honored to be nominated not once but twice for the leibster award! I am very excited to be nominated with this honor, and would like to thank you first nominator Andrea from Chicken nuggets and cookie butts and my second nominator Stacey from This Mommas Ramblings Each of these ladies have my deepest most heart filled thanks! 


So since I was fortunate enough to be nominated by both of these lovely ladies, at the same time I am going to follow the rules for nomination (in double)... So here goes!

Instead of 11 random facts I will be posting 22 (11 facts doubled)

1. My hair is currently dark brown (natural)
2. My eyes are also dark brown
3. I have 3 living children and one angel in Heaven
4. I am a junk food junkie (but not big on sweets)
5. I have been married twice
6. I had my first child when I was 16
7. I LOVE to read
8. I am an aspiring writer who hopes to one day have a published book
9. I am sort of a blogging newbie
10. I am very outgoing
11. I am an Okie
12. I hate winter and cold weather
13. The only sweet I really like is white chocolate
14. My favorite color is purple
15. I love zebra print (or just about any animal print really)
16. I recently became a minimalist
17. I find humor in things others are not able to
18. My favorite subject in school was English
19. I have been writing since I was in first grade, and still have my old paper journals
20. I am also a photographer and love taking pictures
21. I am a tomboy with a newly found girly streak
22. I am incredibly honored to have gotten this award TWICE : )

The 11 Questions Andrea requested I answer

  1. what is your favorite season? why? My favorite season would have to be fall I think. The start of football season, Halloween, leaves changing colors, cool (NOT cold) weather, school starting.
  2. what is your most prized possession?  My most prized possession would be the necklace I wear around my neck. It is actually a small urn which contains a very small amount of my son's ashes. Some people may find it odd, but it is very special to me, and brings me comfort knowing that I always have him with me.
  3. how is your life different today than you dreamed it would be as a child? I  dreamed of growing up to be a famous writer, or lawyer and never would imagined that I would have been married twice and have 4 children, but I would not change a thing because my kids are my greatest accomplishments. 
  4. what is your hobby? My hobby changes constantly. Some of my previous hobbies were scrapbooking, extreme couponing, and photography. The closest thing I have to a hobby currently would have to be my blog, so I will say that currently blogging is my hobby
  5. what is number one on your bucket list? Currently the number one thing on my bucket list is to own a totally restored 67 Ford Mustang
  6. which disney character is most like you? hmmm that is a tough one. I honestly have no idea.
  7. what is your favorite cartoon? My favorite cartoon is a cartoon which unfortunately no longer is shown on TV. It was called Duck Tales
  8. why did you start your blog? I started my blog because it was  cheaper than therapy... Seriously I feel free when I am writing so I decided to start a blog for myself after my son passed away, in order to help me cope with the loss. Since then it has become an outlet for many more things including my homelessness, and my fight with cancer.
  9. morning person or night owl? Night owl for sure. I mean I am not horrible in the mornings, and wake up fairly easily, but I certainly prefer late nights to early mornings anytime.
  10. how did you choose the name of your blog? because I am Mommy and this blog is nothing more than my own mindless rambles, plus I couldn't think of anything more creative at the time : /
  11. what time zone do you live in?  central standard

Here are the 11 questions asked to me by Stacey

1. How long have you been blogging?  I originally started blogging in 2003 when I started my son's blog to keep people updated on his health, however I started this blog in November 2011 after my son's passing, and only recently became way more active on it.
2. What are your hobbies? I have had many hobbies over the years which have ranged from really strange to some what normal. My current hobby is blogging.
3. How many children do you have or would like to have? I have four children (3 boys and 1girl) 3 are living and 1 watches over me from Heaven
4. What is your favorite tv show? My favorite TV show is Teen mom & Teen mom 2
5. What is your favorite color? purple or black
6. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Hawaii
7. Do you have any pets? I do not currently have any pets, but have had several and I love animals.
8. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? I have both tattoos and piercings. I currently have 6 tattoos and 9 piercings and I would love more of both 9. What is your favorite desert? I am not a big fan of sweets, so I am not big on dessert, but I am a junk food junkie and my favorite junk food is popcorn (homemade popcorn)
10. Are you a night or a day person? a Night person... I much prefer night to day
11. What is your favorite Season? my favorite season is fall for many reasons.

My 22 nominees (yes 22 - 11 doubled)
1.Mommy's Weird
2.Life Unexpectedly
3.It's on Random
5.Kissing the Frog
6.Welcome to my world
7.Tripping while standing still
8. The pursuit of Normal
9. The Non-Martha Momma
10. The Next Step
11.Super Punk Rock Mom
12. Sadie Mae's Mommy
13. Owls Always Blog
14. Organized People are just too lazy to look for stuff
15.My Little Circus & Me
16. My Attempt
17. Musings of a Hydro Mom
18. Mother of the Year
19. Mommy Madness
20. Life in the new normal
21. From Ice cream to Belly Rings
22. Cupcakes and Nerf Guns

My 11 questions to my nominees: (sorry if they are weird or random)

1. What inspired you to blog?
2. What are a few of your favorite things?
3. Mattress.. Hard (firm) or soft?
4. What is your favorite type of music?
5. Are you tattooed/pierced and proud? If so how many of each?
6. Who is your biggest influence? Why?
7. What is your biggest fear?
8. What is your wildest dream?
9. Who inspires you the most? why?
10. what famous person would you love to spend the day with?
11. Do you remember your first love?

OK ladies... Thank you again for the two nominations, I was totally thrilled and shocked beyond words! I hope that my 22 nominees will be as happy as I was with my nomination!


  1. Oh my gosh lady, where in Okie are you from?! I'm in Lawton, Ok!

  2. I'm an Okie from Muskogee... yup, just like the song : )

  3. Thanks for nominating me. This is probably my 6th or 7th time getting this.

  4. thanks Lady! Here's my blog award post - chances are slim I'll ever write another one, but I appreciate the thought!


  5. Hi! Thanks for nominating me! Love the look of your blog.Following you via GFC now :)

    The Non-Martha Momma

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. love the blog, as you already know, and am proud of you for all you've overcome. looking forward to reading more!


  8. Thanks for the nomination! So sweet! I'll see if I can fit another Liebster post, I've done this a couple times (because there are so many amazing people out there!) Thank you! and it's fun learning even more about you!

  9. Thank you so much for the nomination!! It was my second nomination within a day as well, but it never gets old. Doing it double is, however quite a challenge :-) Love your blog!!


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